Elite 2024 Creative Director Margeaux Buttner of PROPELLER

Margeaux Buttner

SVP, Group Creative Director PROPELLER

Lessons in Creativity from a Former Nurse

As SVP, Group Creative Director at Propeller, Margeaux Buttner is redefining what it means to be a modern creative in today’s digital data-driven world. With her strategic mind and meticulous oversight, she has been instrumental in navigating high-stakes launches and pitching pivotal new business wins with her digitally progressive brilliance.

During the first five years of her career in medical marketing, Margeaux split her time between medical writing and working clinically as an RN. This unique background made her a messaging expert, able to combine medical accuracy with strategic execution.

Margeaux recently led ideation and copy development for a new IVA featuring patient profiles that HCPs are seeing in their own office to explore the benefits of Xiidra. Her team developed a unique “choose your own adventure” structure to allow reps to select content they know will resonate with HCPs, creating a memorable in-office experience. In addition, Margeaux supported the Xiidra brand with its new campaign featuring celebrity Ken Jeong, through 50+ market research interviews and a booth activation. At the heart of her strategic approach, lies a client’s monthly decision-making experience, where performance is dissected to refine creative messaging and formats. Margeaux’s visionary guidance ensures that sessions yield actionable insights tailored for the modern digital landscape.

“Margeaux’s visionary guidance ensures that sessions yield actionable insights tailored for the modern digital landscape.”

These examples represent how informative and performative data are driving the way Margeaux navigates and optimizes customer experiences. Diana Snyder, SVP, Experience Strategy, says, “Margeaux is the ultimate strategic Swiss army knife. She has the ability to flex different strategic muscles and use those skills to create incredible stories… She brings tremendous value and energy to every room.”

As a mentor, she challenges her team to grow creatively through analytical skills that allow them to leverage data insights to shape impactful executions. Her commitment to developing rising stars has allowed her to build an exceptionally capable team able to independently drive digitally optimized innovations that resonate.



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